UBS Worry Barometer 2024
This year, the Swiss electorate is particularly concerned about healthcare. Environmental and climate protection come in second, followed by retirement provisions. Compared to previous years, financial concerns as well as concerns about immigration and security have increased the most. These and other trends were identified by a representative survey of 2,250 voters from across Switzerland in August and September 2024.
Healthcare as a flashpoint
Rising healthcare costs are becoming a central factor in general concerns about the cost of living. At the same time, political proposals such as premium reductions, the cost brake and the EFAS proposal have increased public awareness of the healthcare system. While fundamental reforms are seen as unavoidable, the complexity and divergent interests involved mean that specific solutions pose major challenges. Fear of a reduction in services further increases scepticism among the population.
Materialistic fears and security concerns
There is a noticeable shift towards materialistic concerns. While existential questions about basic services – such as during the coronavirus pandemic or the discussion about the energy supply – have become less important, the rising cost of living and personal security have become more of a focus again. Migration, especially in the context of refugees and immigration, is also leading to growing concerns. These developments favour right-wing conservative politics, but left-wing solutions, such as the 13th AHV pension or BVG reform, also repeatedly find majorities, particularly on issues such as the cost of living and the interplay between the economy and society.
Climate change remains a central issue
The effects of climate change, from extreme weather events to water scarcity and heat waves, have long been a reality for the population. The younger generations in particular see climate change as a central problem that affects not only the ecological dimension, but also the economic and social dimensions. However, the generational divide that is often emphasised in the media is more nuanced than that: young people are not a homogenous group, and their priorities vary greatly – for example, between social security issues, gender equality or environmental engagement.
Uncertainty in geopolitical issues
The geopolitical resilience of Switzerland is viewed sceptically by many voters. While the strong economic position supports confidence in the country’s crisis resistance, uncertainty prevails with regard to relations with the EU and global developments. A fact-based discussion appears necessary here, dealing with economic dependence, the possible scope for independent strategies and Switzerland’s resilience.
All the results of the study, along with methodological details, can be found in the final report of the 2024 Worry Barometer.
Further articles and reports can be found on the UBS website.