News, publications and background information

Up to date information about latests elections and votings, recent gfs.bern-publications, background information and evaluations about voting, polls, barometer and monitors.


1st SRG trend survey on the federal vote of 9 February 2025

Martina Mousson, gfs.bern

Voter turnout 35% | 1x relative majority against

If the environmental responsibility initiative had already been put to the vote on 8 December 2024, a relative majority of 49 per cent of voters with a firm intention to vote would have definitely or rather voted against it. 45 per cent would have definitely or rather voted in favour of it. The initiative is starting the main campaign phase on the back foot.

At 35%, voter turnout is well below the long-term average (47% between 2011 and 2023 according to the FSO).


2nd SRG trend survey on the federal vote of 3 March 2024

Martina Mousson, gfs.bern

Voter turnout 52% | 1x Yes; 1x No

If the vote had been held on 10 February 2024, the initiative for a 13th AHV pension would have been accepted and the pension initiative would have been rejected by the electorate.

In the phase before the final mobilisation, the conflict patterns are recognisable and the state of opinion-forming on both proposals is advanced: Language, age and values are becoming more important in the vote on the 13th AHV pension. The pension initiative is still only supported by a majority of FDP voters.  At 52 per cent, voter turnout would have been above the long-term average.


Martina Vieli new member of the Board of Directors of gfs.bern

Lukas Golder, gfs.bern

The Board of Directors of gfs.bern is being renewed as part of the finalised company succession. Claude Longchamp, who founded the Institute for Policy and Communication Research in 2004 and has shaped it ever since, is leaving the Board of Directors on 31 March 2024 for a well-deserved retirement. Martina Vieli, an experienced political and communications consultant, former lobbyist and member of the extended management of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR, has been newly elected to the Board of Directors.


gfs.bern in flow

Lukas Golder, gfs.bern

With more than six decades of experience in political, social and economic opinion research, we are a pioneering player in the field of opinion research. Our insights into opinion formation in Switzerland and in direct democratic processes are considered groundbreaking. Throughout our company’s history, we have always taken the pulse of the times, adapted to constantly changing technological and social requirements and are prepared to survive in a rapidly developing, digitalised and internationalised world.


TCS Travel Barometer 2023: Switzerland remains a popular travel destination

gfs.bern im Auftrag vom Touring Club Schweiz - TCS

The TCS Travel Barometer gives an insight for the sixth time into the travel behaviour of Switzerland’s population. The representative survey of residents and TCS members shows which sources of information are particularly popular, how well people feel informed about travel, what news is perceived on the subject of travel and how the population feels about safety. The study, which was commissioned by TCS Switzerland over many years, makes it possible to interpret the development of opinion on the subject of travel not only currently, but also over time.

26.09.2022 | Data Science

Withholding tax: outcome much closer than with stamp tax

Urs Bieri, gfs.bern

With the “No” to the withholding tax, the SP has once again scored a success against business and the authorities at the ballot box. In contrast to the vote on stamp duty, however, the left did not succeed this time in making the issue loud and emotionally charged. The anti-corporate momentum of that time did not pick up to the same extent as then, and the proposal sailed towards the vote Sunday in the shadow of the two AHV proposals.

24.09.2022 | Data Science

Who represents security concerns in the Federal Parliament?

gfs.bern im Auftrag von Allianz Sicherheit

On behalf of Allianz Sicherheit, the gfs.bern research institute conducted an analysis of parliamentarians. Of primary interest was how well the individual parliamentarians represent security interests.

Security is a concept that is difficult to grasp, as it is defined differently by different people. It is therefore important to clearly delineate the focus of this analysis. This delineation is important because a political assessment of security involves very diametrically opposed value concepts. Depending on the political values, security can, for example, be assessed from a pacifist, military, cooperative or ecological perspective, which implies very different definitions of security.

14.07.2022 | Survey

Wage survey among members of the Swiss Commercial Vehicle Association

gfs.bern on behalt of the Swiss Commercial Vehicle Association (ASTAG)

The member survey showed that association members are most often employed in construction logistics, Swiss general cargo, part-load and full-load transport, and industrial and construction site waste transport. The two types of drivers with the highest gross wages have in common that they usually have more than ten years of service, are at least 38 years old and are unskilled. Most chauffeurs work 45 hours per week, while those under 50 are granted five weeks’ holiday and those over 50 six. The 13th month’s salary has become established in the industry and is paid by a majority of the association members directly from the beginning of employment. Slightly more than half of the federation members also pay out additional remuneration, whereby this most frequently takes the form of a bonus.

31.03.2022 | Survey

Survey in Limmattal: the Limmattal residents, much sense of wellbeing, many identities

gfs.bern on behalf of the cantons of Zurich and Aargau with the participation of Regionale 2025

The survey of around 2000 people from Limmattal – one of the fastest-growing regions of Switzerland – shows: the residential region is appreciated; there is more than one identity in the Limmattal; the valley offers many opportunities to combine living, working and recreation; there are particular challenges when it comes to traffic, noise and nature.

13.02.2022 | Votations

For a long time, the majority of the cantons was uncertain about the ban on tobacco advertising. We show the background.

Martina Mousson, gfs.bern

After the veiling ban and the care initiative, the tobacco advertising ban was adopted on 13.2., making it three popular initiatives that have already been adopted in this legislature. It was uncertain whether the ban on tobacco advertising would ultimately founder on the rocks of the cantonal majority at the end of the day, and whether it would suffer the same fate as the responsible business initiative.

02.02.2022 | Votations

2nd SRG trend survey on the federal referendum of 13 February 2022

gfs.bern on behalf of SRG SSR

Voter turnout 50 % | 1 x Yes, 2 x No, 1 x relative rejection.

If the vote had already been held on 23 January 2022, the initiative to ban tobacco advertising would have been accepted, while the initiative to ban animal testing, the law on stamp duties and the package of measures for the media would have been rejected. Voter turnout would have been an above-average 50 per cent.


14.01.2022 | Votations

VOX analysis: The source of information shaped the decision in favour of the Covid 19 Act.

Tobias Keller, gfs.bern

No voters were more likely to inform themselves about the Covid 19 law via social media, while Yes voters were more likely to do so via traditional media. Moreover, since the introduction of women’s suffrage in 1971, the average voter turnout has never been higher than in 2021. This is confirmed by the results of the survey of 3,420 voters in the VOX analysis of November 2021. The study was conducted by gfs.bern and funded by the Federal Chancellery.

07.01.2022 | Votations

1st SRG trend survey on the federal referendum of 13 February 2022: Voter turnout 41 %| 1 x Yes, 1 x undecided, 2 x No

gfs.bern im Auftrag der SRG SSR

If the vote had already been held on 25 December 2021, the initiative to ban tobacco advertising would have been adopted, while relative majorities would have rejected the initiative to ban animal testing and the law on stamp duties. In the case of the federal law on a package of measures in favour of the media, the willingness to participate was divided. Voter turnout would have been a below-average 41 per cent.

30.09.2021 | Monitor

Monitor Nutrition and Exercise 2021

gfs.bern on behalf of Informationsgruppe Erfrischungsgetränke

The measures that applied during the survey period in the fight against the pandemic got Swiss voters thinking: their interest in and awareness of the importance of nutrition and exercise is increasing.  Consumers should continue to have the last word.  Prevention of intervention. There should continue to be no attempts to influence dietary habits through taxes.   Colour coding is becoming increasingly popular.

26.09.2021 | Data Science

The 99 per cent and Marriage for All initiatives are about the centre ground of society.

Marco Bürgi, gfs.bern

64 percent of Swiss voters are clearly in favour of marriage for all. The 99 per cent initiative, on the other hand, could only convince just over a third of voters. Today it was about the centre ground of society, which voted with the majority of parliament and the Federal Council – on the one hand the modern social mainstream in favour of marriage for all and on the other the business-friendly and pragmatic middle class against the 99 per cent initiative.

20.08.2021 | Votations

1st SRG trend survey on the referendum of 26 September 2021

gfs.bern on behalf of SRG SSR

Voter turnout approx. 42 % | 1 x Yes, 1 x Stalemate.

If the vote had already been held on 7 August 2021, the amendment to the Swiss Civil Code (marriage for all) would have been accepted, while those willing to participate would have been divided on the popular initiative “Relieve the burden on wages, tax capital fairly”. It would have been accepted by a wafer-thin relative majority.

17.08.2021 | Survey

Digitisation of Swiss democracy - Technological revolution meets traditional opinion-forming system

gfs.bern on behalf of TA-SWISS

Digitisation enables people to network globally and across cultures. But it also facilitates attempts by a wide variety of actors to influence elections and referendums. Discussions about fake news, echo chambers and the polarisation of societies are currently heated. But are all these discussions equally relevant?  And do we as a society have the necessary maturity to derive optimum benefit from the new instruments? The study by gfs.bern takes stock of the situation.

30.07.2021 | Votations

The young people in the supporting role: Mobilisation from the countryside led to a CO2 No.

Tobias Keller, gfs.bern

The combination of the five proposals on 13 June 2021 led to a unique dynamic in the referendum campaign:  mobilisation of the “right”, of people who have less trust in the Federal Council and people in rural regions led not only to a clear No to the two agricultural initiatives (on drinking water and a ban on pesticides), but also to a No to the CO2 law. The role of young people in the rejection of the CO2 initiative must be put into perspective and viewed in a nuanced way. This is shown in the data from the VOX analysis of 13 June 2021, for which around 3,000 voters were surveyed.

10.06.2021 | Monitor

Monitor study "Healthcare in Switzerland 2021"

gfs.bern on behalf of Interpharma

The healthcare system has withstood the test of the current pandemic – albeit not completely. For example, there is a demand for faster access to novel medicines. The one-sided focus on cost issues – which has dominated the discussion in recent years – is neither effective nor helpful. Instead, the pandemic shows that Switzerland must align its system with the needs of patients in order to save lives. Read the findings from the monitor study “Healthcare in Switzerland 2021” here.

04.06.2021 | Evaluations

Swiss eHealth Barometer 2021: pandemic reinforces openness to digital solutions in healthcare.

gfs.bern on behalf of InfoSocietyDays

Health workers are increasingly resorting to analogue methods of transmitting data in times of crisis.  On the other hand, telemedicine is experiencing an upswing in practices.  Acceptance of the storage of health data is increasing among the population. In the medium term, the pandemic may yet prove to be a catalyst for digitisation in the Swiss healthcare system.

09.05.2021 | Survey

Satisfaction with the bilateral agreements remains high among Swiss voters.

Urs Bieri, gfs.bern

Satisfaction with the bilateral agreements among Swiss voters has been high for years.  This is also true in 2021. The bilateral agreements thus form a broadly accepted basis for relations with the European Union, which one does not want to fall behind. On behalf of Interpharma, gfs.bern studied the following question, among others: If an institutional agreement between Switzerland and the EU were to be put to the vote, would you definitely be in favour, rather in favour, rather against or definitely against?

07.05.2021 | Votations

1st SRG trend survey on the federal referendum of 13 June 2021

gfs.bern on behalf of SRG SSR

Voter turnout approx. 52 % | Yes to all proposals

If the vote had already been held on 23 April 2021, all federal bills of 13 June 2021 would have been adopted. The authorities’ position would have prevailed on the Covid Act, the CO2 Act and the Terrorism Act. The Drinking Water Initiative and the Pesticide Initiative would have been adopted against the will of the Federal Council and Parliament.

Voter turnout would have been an above-average 52 percent.

23.04.2021 | Votations

VOX-Analysis: Individual considerations were more important than party slogans in the March 2021 referendum.

Tobias Keller, gfs.bern

Pragmatism and individual considerations of costs and benefits were more important than slogans in the three proposals on 7 March 2021: the rather surprisingly narrow victory on the free trade agreement with Indonesia was in contrast to two defeats for the Federal Council and Parliament.  This is confirmed by the results of the survey of 3,070 voters in the VOX analysis March 2021. The study was conducted by gfs.bern and funded by the Federal Chancellery.