Survey on sexuality, relationships and sexual violence in Switzerland and on the consent solution

12.04.2022 | gfs.bern on behalf of Amnesty International Switzerland

On behalf of Amnesty International, we investigated where Switzerland’s population stands on sexuality, relationships and sexual violence in Switzerland as well as on resolving the issue of consent.

The study shows that people clearly favour the consent solution (only yes means yes), that consent is already a lived reality today and that stereotypes and role models shape opinions more than behaviour does. But the study also reveals problematic views on sexual availability, on difficulties in communication about sex and between the generations.

You will find more information in French, German and Italian in our cockpit as well as in the final report in German.

If you have any questions concerning this post, please contact our expert for background information, insights and the methods and models used.

Cloé Jans

Cloé Jans

Operations Manager and Media Spokeswoman