Physiotherapy Barometer

28.04.2022 | gfs.bern on behalf of Physioswiss

On behalf of Physioswiss, the Swiss physiotherapy association, we conducted a survey in 2021 on what Switzerland’s population thinks about physiotherapy.

The study shows that the population in general has an excellent impression of physiotherapy and a high degree of trust in physiotherapists.

The Swiss population generally has an excellent impression of physiotherapy. A total of 87 percent of the population have a good impression of physiotherapy. At 31%, almost a third of the population even have a very good impression. Only 3 and 1 percent of the population respectively have a rather bad or very bad impression of physiotherapy.

A central aspect for the assessment of physiotherapy is one’s own experience: those who have been to physiotherapy themselves also express their (positive) opinion. Among those who have already received treatment from a physiotherapist, the good impression is particularly high at 91 percent (35% very good; 56% rather good).
Even among people who “only” have experience via a person in their close environment, the opinion is fairly solid and positive. However, as many as one in five people (21%) do not want to or cannot make any clear statements about the impression they have received. On the other hand, those who have no experience whatsoever with physiotherapy also express only a minority of opinions about their impression of the profession.

You can find all the results of these studies in our final report (in German).

If you have any questions concerning this post, please contact our expert for background information, insights and the methods and models used.

Urs Bieri

Urs Bieri
