Banking Monitor 2023: The climate of opinion remains relatively stable and positive, despite the CS crisis

12.03.2024 | Adriana Pepe, GFS Bern

The collective attitude of voters in Switzerland towards the banks is and remains favourable. Moreover, in the eyes of voters, international competitiveness has changed little and assets continue to be regarded as secure. Nevertheless, the CS crisis has certainly left its mark.


Although the positive climate of opinion towards banks remains broadly supported, the CS crisis is nevertheless making itself felt in various respects. The news perceived by voters not only focuses mainly on the CS crisis, but also has a negative impact on the general opinion of banks. In addition, the CS crisis is accentuated in individual aspects. For example, the association of reliability and financial solidity in the banking world is less established by the respondents, whereas the opinion that banks prioritise profit over social responsibility has increased.

In principle, the majority of voters agree with the authorities’ response. The approach is seen as the right one to ensure the stability of the Swiss final rate. However, more far-reaching and specific measures are considered sensible, such as separating investment banking from traditional client business by law. CS’s responsibility and the role of the state in particular should be analysed and clarified. However, a majority rejects macroeconomic regulations.

Assessments of competitiveness and the feeling of security are surprisingly stable: in the perception of voters, Swiss banks have become slightly less competitive in an international comparison since the start of the coronavirus pandemic. This assessment has remained stable since then, although a slight increase in pessimism regarding the competitiveness of the financial and banking centre is evident. Despite the turbulent year, the sense of security in Switzerland remains at a high level, regardless of whether it concerns the general sense of security or the security of assets.

Further findings and detailed results can be found in the final report in German.

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Adriana Pepe |

Adriana Pepe

Junior Project Manager