1st SRG trend survey on the federal referendum of 13 February 2022:

Voter turnout 41 %| 1 x Yes, 1 x undecided, 2 x No

07.01.2022 | gfs.bern im Auftrag der SRG SSR

If the vote had already been held on 25 December 2021, the initiative to ban tobacco advertising would have been adopted, while relative majorities would have rejected the initiative to ban animal testing and the law on stamp duties. In the case of the federal law on a package of measures in favour of the media, the willingness to participate was divided. Voter turnout would have been a below-average 41 per cent.

In addition to the detailed results, the cockpit also contains background information on the proposals, the theory and the method of the SRG referendum survey (in French and German).

If you have any questions concerning this post, please contact our expert for background information, insights and the methods and models used.

Urs Bieri

Urs Bieri
